POSTPONED Different methodologies and their use of terminology | IDR Lunch & Learn
16 Oct

This event has ended.



Oxford Martin School
34 Broad St
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Image description coming soon

POSTPONED: Feel free to sign up and we will be back in touch once we have a new date confirmed.

This will be a participant-led session, so we would like you all to come along prepared to talk about 1 core concept, method or term that you have used, or plan to use, from your primary discipline. For example, this could be terms such as ‘systems’, ‘governance’, ‘modelling’. We will ask you to quickly describe what the term means in your discipline, and then either in one big group or divided into smaller groups, you will talk to each other and reflect on how other people in the group understand the concept, method or term to generate some constructive exchanges.

The Agile IDR lunch and learn sessions are an hour long and give early career researchers the opportunity to come to the Oxford Martin School for a free lunch and an hour-long informal session based on themes relating to interdisciplinary research. You get the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with your peers, and we can gather learning on the needs of our cohort around interdisciplinary research.

We provide tea, coffee, biscuits, and vegetarian and vegan sandwiches. When you sign up, please state your dietary requirements.

16 October 2023, 12:30 onwards for lunch, and the session will take place 1-2pm.

Seminar Room 1, Oxford Martin School

To book, please fill in the booking form and come with your core concept, method or term.