High Commendation Received at Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Biodiversity Net Gain Research Team

the research team

The “How do we account for biodiversity?” Sprint team were highly commended at the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards in the Research Engagement category. Their work on influencing the design and implementation of biodiversity net gain in England has continued after the Sprint, drawing on expertise from the Department of Biology, the Oxford Institute, and the School of Geography and the Environment, as well as external partners and stakeholders.

During the Sprint the research team engaged extensively with local authorities, presented to private committees in Parliament, and worked with businesses, farmers, and people experiencing new housing developments to inform their research which underpinned their best practice guidance for planners and developers on 10% Biodiversity Net Gain..

“The team from the Department of Biology have informed the public and influenced the policy development at both national and local levels for one of the world’s most innovative new ecological policies, Biodiversity Net Gain in England.”

Vice-Chancellor’s Awards

Find out more about the team’s work: Assessing Biodiversity Net Gain plans: a quick guide for planners and developers