On this page you will find outputs from the individual Sprints, as well as outputs from the programme-level research and learning activities. You can filter by publication type or SDG goal, or browse all our outputs starting with the most recent.
Sprint Research Planning Webinars
In this recorded webinar series, hear from experts at the Agile Initiative on how to plan a Sprint. In this series we cover interdisciplinarity, managing a Sprint, theory of change, co-creation, and the Equality Impact Assessment.
Diversity and Inclusion Plan
In March 2024 we published our Diversity and Inclusion Plan, detailing our commitments in this area.
Programme Research Webinars
At two webinars in 2024, the Agile Initiative programme research team presented their discussion documents on "The role of public and deliberation" and "Should universities shift from evidence producers to co-producers?" (June 2024)
SUMMARY The Role of Publics and Deliberation
This paper summarises the discussion paper reviewing the role of publics and deliberation at the environmental science-policy interface
The Role of Publics and Deliberation at the environmental science-policy interface
This discussion paper, written by the Agile Initiative programme research team, reviews the role of publics and deliberation at the environmental science-policy interface.
SUMMARY Impact and Collaboration in Environmental Research
This paper summarises the discussion paper exploring the relationship between environmental research and its use in environmental policy.
Impact and Collaboration in Environmental Research: Moving universities from evidence producers to co-producers
This discussion paper, written by the Agile Initiative programme research team, explores the relationship between environmental research and its use in environmental policy.
Addressing regulatory challenges for offshore Geological Carbon Storage in the UK
A policy brief addressing regulatory challenges for offshore Geological Carbon Storage in the UK. The result of a 12 month interdisciplinary research project.
Associated Sprint: What do we need to know to safely store CO2 beneath our shelf seas?
Associated SDGs: 13 Climate action, 14 Life below water, 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure -
Filling in evidence gaps for the safe deployment of offshore Geological Carbon Storage
A research report which is the result of a 12-month interdisciplinary project looking into evidence gaps for the safe deployment of offshore Geological Carbon Storage.
Associated Sprint: What do we need to know to safely store CO2 beneath our shelf seas?
Associated SDGs: 13 Climate action, 14 Life below water, 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure -
Interactions of Co2 with Sedimentary Blue Carbon: The Fate of Leaked Co2 from a Geological Storage Site
This pre-print paper assesses the potential for disruption of blue carbon stored in sediments, and interactions of leaked CO2 with that sedimentary blue carbon, experimentally, above a sub-seafloor geological CO2 storage site in the North Sea.
Associated Sprint: What do we need to know to safely store CO2 beneath our shelf seas?
Associated SDGs: 13 Climate action, 14 Life below water, 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure -
Presentation at NCAR’s CESM Workshop (12 June 2024)
Andrew Wilson gave a talk on Earth System Model Spin-Up.
Associated Sprint: Can we solve the “spin-up” problem in Earth System Modelling?
Associated SDGs: 13 Climate action -
Efficient spin-up of Earth System Models using sequence acceleration
In a paper published in Science Advances, Samar Khatiwala describes his new algorithm for speeding up the spin-up process in Earth System Modles.
Associated Sprint: Can we solve the “spin-up” problem in Earth System Modelling?
Associated SDGs: 13 Climate action