Sprint team on safe CO2 shelf sea storage publish initial findings

The North Sea

In March, an Agile Sprint team held a workshop for stakeholders on their research “What do we need to know to safely store CO2 beneath our shelf seas?” and have now published a report.

Carbon capture and storage with permanent geological carbon dioxide storage is essential to achieving net zero emissions at the lowest cost in the UK. There is a need for evidence-based policy and regulation to align energy and climate policy, and scale up the UK storage industry to contribute to the volume of required CO2 removals.

The workshop invited stakeholders to join the Sprint team to consider the following themes:

  • Resevoir seal mechanisms
  • Induced seismicity
  • Long-term ecosystem monitoring using satellites
  • Blue carbon disturbance
  • UK regulation and legislation of CO2 storage

By presenting the research findings to date, the event ensured dynamic engagement from the stakeholders. Feedback collected during the workshop will inform the Sprint’s final outputs to ensure relevance to key audiences.

A full report on the research will be published in the summer of 2024. To stay informed, please join the Agile mailing list, or get in touch with the Sprint team.

Read the report here.